Dancing in the Car

I don’t know about you, but I feel like the new year is only getting momentum now, a few weeks into it. I don’t know if it’s the fact that the sun has finally returned to California after a [...]

Savoring the good

I’ve been thinking about my intentions for the year, and not writing a mile-long list ofresolutions like I used to in years past. I feel like this is a sign of growth for me, as I think I [...]

Enjoy The View

The first time I drove up one of San Francisco’s vertiginous hills, I was pretty sure my car wasn’t going to make it.  I still remember the street we were driving up when my son, then nearly [...]

The Difficult Year

I’ll be honest—this has been a hard year for me.  Between a child facing challenges (some of them involving sleep, which is really affecting me too), and multiple family members facing [...]