How to Feel Better When You Hit a Low Point


I hit a wall last weekend.  There had been news reports that perhaps this virus situation could last eighteen months, and I was feeling, frankly, despondent.  I spent a day and a half really struggling.  By the time Sunday rolled around, I was feeling much better.  So I wanted to pass along what I did, in case you needed these tools as well.  

Here is what I did that eventually helped me to feel better:

  1. Call a friend.  Be honest about how you are feeling. Often when we’re going through hard times, we isolate ourselves and feel alone.  It is important that we reach out to others to let them know how we’re doing.  It’s what we’d want our friends to do too.  I feel so bummed when I find out a friend was going through a hard time and didn’t reach out to me.  So let your friends be there for you.

  2. Read something uplifting or inspiring.  

  3. Watch a funny movie.  Last weekend, watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop with my kids did the trick for me.  

  4. Find ways to laugh.  There are some amazing memes going around right now.  Thank heavens for the meme-makers.  Also, finding the humor in the situation with a friend can really help lighten the situation, even for a few moments.

  5. Rest.  Give your body time to relax and rest.  It’s one of the gifts of this time.  There is more time to rest.  And I think we all need it.  

  6. Go out in nature.  Take a walk.  Sit on your grass. Move your body.  The fresh air and the trees and the flowers, even the rain, can make us feel better. 

These are the simple steps I took to feel better, and, eventually they worked.  They’ll work for you too.  And if you have any other suggestions for ways we can all feel better when we hit a low, let me know!  


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