Sharing my latest inspirations, current musings and magical moments from everyday life.

Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Have a Water Balloon Fight

My summer just got a cherry on top of it in the form of an experience that was thrilling and unforgettable.  I think you should stop what you’re doing as soon as possible and go do this too.  

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

On Giving and Self-Care

Our 16 Days of Kindness Challenge began on Monday and is making ripples far and wide. I have heard from people I know all over the country who have been inspired by it and are joining in.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

16 Days of Kindness

Since I saw the documentary about Mr. Rogers last week, I’ve been thinking about how radical kindness can be (in both the sense of being “rad,” which is one of my favorite words, but also in terms of being capable of making real change in the world).

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

A Revolution of Kindness

I can’t get Mr. Rogers off my mind. I saw the documentary about him, called “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” this week, and I can’t stop thinking about it.


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