Sharing my latest inspirations, current musings and magical moments from everyday life.

Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

The Compliments Folder

I love giving compliments. I’ve made a conscious effort to notice good things about people around me and point them out ever since I was in college. But I’m not as good at letting compliments in, for some reason.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

The $100,000 Mistake

I’ve been thinking lately about times I didn’t follow my heart.  About times I could hear a voice inside telling me something wasn’t right, but I chose to overlook it.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Finding Kindness on the Side of the Highway

It started like every other drive to my son’s school.  We had just dropped my daughter off at her bus stop, and we were laughing, listening to music, and hoping to make it to his school on time.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Goodbyes and Pleasant Surprises

Last Saturday, we said goodbye to our dog Lucy, who we’ve had for fourteen years, since a few short months after my husband and I got married.

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