Sharing my latest inspirations, current musings and magical moments from everyday life.
Don’t Worry, Peach
The last few days have been the first sunny ones in what feels like months, and I am really enjoying the return of the sunshine. I put one of the “Don’t worry, Peach” cards in my own wallet, where it has made me smile multiple times since.
Flowers and Creativity
It is February— that funny in-between time in the winter when the weather can do all kinds of crazy things. Here in Northern California, it has been raining off and on.
Dancing in the Car
When a good moment arrives (whether it be a gorgeous sky, a fun moment with one of my kids, a delicious meal, or just a moment of peace), I have found myself really leaning into it and squeezing all the juice out of it (so to speak).
Savoring the Good
I’ve been thinking about my intentions for the year, and not writing a mile-long list of resolutions like I used to in years past. I feel like this is a sign of growth for me, as I think I used to buy into the “new year, new you” idea that tends to proliferate in magazines and newspapers around the start of the new year.
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