Sharing my latest inspirations, current musings and magical moments from everyday life.

Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

How to Feel Better When You Hit a Low Point

I hit a wall last weekend. There had been news reports that perhaps this virus situation could last eighteen months, and I was feeling, frankly, despondent. I spent a day and a half really struggling.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Dancing Might Be the Answer

Lately I’ve noticed something— that dancing might be the answer to a lot of things. I already danced a lot around my kitchen when I was feeling good.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Keep Going

I’m a recovering perfectionist, and I know that at moments like this— right before I’m about to complete something— is when my perfectionism creeps back in.

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Alexandra Taber Alexandra Taber

Focused on Fun

I decided to start a Fun Challenge on Instagram where I’d post one way to have more fun that day (in five minutes or less). The Fun Challenge started this week, and I’m really enjoying it.

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